Tag Archives: Milan

Fashion passes through Parma and Giuseppe Verdi

Just because fashion is culture, so Parma is paying tribute to 2020 by the preview [...]

Raphael at the Pemanente Museum in Milan

The art exhibition dedicated to Raphael in Milan (4th October 2019 – 2nd February 2020 [...]

Ready for the Milan Fashion Week 2019

Milan Fashion Week 2019: A Glimpse into the Female-Focused Fashion Extravaganza Milan Fashion Week 2019 [...]

Having a meal at Alla Scala Opera House in Milan

“Il Marchesino”, the famous restaurant opened by the chef Gualtiero Marchesi in 2008, has recently [...]

Leonardo mania: all the events after 500 years

On the occasion of the genius’ anniversary, organize a private tour to Italy! 2019 will [...]

Happy birthday, Giuseppe!

Remebering Giuseppe Verdi, his places and his music 10th October 1813 – 10th October 2018 [...]